
V sredo, 29.5.2019, je k nam prišla Tina Lee Odinsky-Zec iz Zagreb School of Economics and Management – ZSEM  ?? na tridnevni Erasmus + KA1 tečaj How to make Creative Modern Mosaic Projects. ?
Na tečaju ji bo izvajalka Urška Ambrožič Potočnik predstavila, kako organizirati tečaj modernega mozaika na njeni šoli in predavanjih, pridobila bo vso potrebno znanje o modernem mozaiku in uporabi različnih orodij in materialov. Da bo dobila občutek, kako poteka ustvarjanje mozaika v skupnosti, so nam na pomoč priskočili tudi udeleženci naših mozaičnih tečajev, seveda pa se bo priključila tudi tečajem mozaika, ki trenutno še potekajo na Ljudski univerzi Radovljica. 

On Wednesday, 29.5.2019, Tina Lee Odinsky-Zec from Zagreb School of Economics and Management – ZSEM ??  came on three-day Erasmus+ KA1 course How to make Creative Modern Mosaic Projects. ?

The main work on this course will be experience, so they will create modern mosaics like in community.  First they will make mosaic together on a wooden base and grout it on the end. That mosaic will Tina take home. Of course they will talk also about theory and technology of making modern mosaics. They will also take some time to see mosaics in our community too and invite her into our modern mosaic course with participants and also invite her on mosaic promotion for children vacation during this summer.


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