Poleg srečanj s predsednico države, predsednikom vlade, ministri, poslanci državnega zbora in socialnimi partnerji je komisar obiskal tudi dva projekta, podprta s sredstvi Evropske unije. Eden izmed izbranih projektov je bil tudi program PUM-O Projektno učenje mlajših odraslih, ki ga v Radovljici izvajamo že od leta 2000. Sofinanciran je tudi iz občin Zgornje Gorenjske. V Sloveniji deluje 12 skupin PUM-O (Ljubljana, Ajdovščina, Murska Sobota, Maribor, Velenje, Koper, Zagorje, Postojna, Škofja Loka, Slovenj Gradec, Celje).
Komisar za delovna mesta in socialne pravice Nicolas Schmit je prišel s svojo ekipo. Pridružila sta se mu minister za vzgojo in izobraževanje Darjo Felda, župan Občine Radovljica Ciril Globočnik ter predstavniki ministrstev za vzgojo in izobraževanje, za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti ter za kohezijo in regionalni razvoj, predstavniki Zavoda RS za zaposlovanje ter predstavnica Andragoškega centra Slovenije, ki je program PUM-O razvil.
In addition to meetings with the President of the country, the Prime Minister, ministers, members of the National Assembly and social partners, the Commissioner also
visited two projects supported by European Union funds. One of the selected projects was the PUM-O Project Learning of Young Adults program, which has been implemented
in Radovljica since 2000. There are 12 PUM-O groups operating in Slovenia (Ljubljana, Ajdovščina, Murska Sobota, Maribor, Velenje, Koper, Zagorje, Postojna, Škofja Loka,
Slovenj Gradec, Celje).
Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit came with his team. He found out more about the program PUM-O Radovljica, which is financed from EU funds.
He was joined by the Minister of Education Darjo Felda, the Mayor of Radovljica Municipality Ciril Globočnik and representatives of the Ministries of Education,
Work, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and Cohesion and Regional Development, representatives of the Employment Agency of the Republic of Slovenia
and a representative of Andragoški of the center of Slovenia, which developed the PUM-O program.
We introduced him the activities of Radovljica Adult Education centre, which is one of 35 Adult Education Centres in Slovenia, united in a public network under
the Ministry of Education and Culture and a member of ZLUS - the Association of Folk Universities of Slovenia. The beginnings of adult education in Slovenia go back
100 years.
The Mayor of the Municipality of Radovljica, Ciril Globočnik, addressed the gathering and complimented the work of the Asult Education Centre of Radovljica.
Especially the fact that we have helped more than 900 young people since the beginning of programme PUM-O. He emphasized the importance of such projects,
which are devoted to youth, and the importance of the funds allocated by the EU for the operation of these projects.
They watched a documentary film based on the true story of a former participant of the PUM-O program entitled I choose to live.
This was followed by a more detailed presentation of the work at PUM-O Radovljica by PUM-O mentors. At the end, our participant Sara gave him a Sara rag doll
that looks just like her. The dolls are being created for a project run by UNICEF.
At the end, Commissioner Nicolas Schmit said that there are around three million young people in Europe who are not involved anywhere and would need this kind of help.
He considers the PUM-O program to be a good practice that should also be used in other European countries. He also spoke about the mental health problem in Europe,
which worsened during the epidemic. At the same time, he mentioned new measures and programs being prepared for young people,
such as https://year-of-skills.europa.eu/index_en
At the end, he and the minister made a statement to the media, and that was the end of the visit.

FOTO: Janez Albert Novak