KA1 Courses
About KA1 Courses
Key Action 1: Mobility of Individuals
This Action is all about providing opportunities for individuals to improve their skills, enhance their employability and gain cultural awareness.
Under Key Action 1 organisations can apply for funding to run mobility projects to enable organisations to offer structured study, work experience, job shadowing, volunteering, training and teaching opportunities to staff and learners.
Beneficiaries are able to spend a period of time in another participating country gaining valuable experience of life, study and work with the aim of increasing the opportunities available to them in the future.
Key Action 1 covers the five fields of higher education, vocational education and training, schools, adult education and youth. It is important to note that target groups and activities for Key Action 1 vary by field.
Key Action 1 is the largest action in Erasmus+ with 63% of programme budget supporting its focus on increasing mobility and skills.
How Erasmus plus KA1 funding can cover all the costs to attend our teacher training course
Our training course How to make Creative Modern Mosaic Projects for teachers (primary, secondary, vocational, special needs), adult educators, teacher trainers, managers of schools, artists, social workers and non-teaching staff of any education organization are eligible and tailored to be 100 % funded by the Erasmus plus programme, notably under KA1 – key action 1 learning mobility of individuals for school education staff (KA101), VET staff (KA102), higher education staff (KA103) and adult education staff (KA104).
Teachers, headmasters, lecturers, educators as well as administrative and non-teaching staff of any education organization are eligible to receive an Erasmus plus grant funding all the costs to attend our training courses including travel, board and lodging and course fee.
To receive the Erasmus plus KA1 funding the home institution of teacher/staff shall submit a KA1 Erasmus plus grant application by the annual key action 1 deadline. The 2019 deadline is approaching soon since it will be the 12th of February 2019. Grab the opportunity to get full funding to attend our training courses and mind that there is only one deadline per year, if you will miss it you will need to wait until the 2020.
What is Erasmus plus
Erasmus plus is the European programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014–2020. It provides grants for a wide range of actions including the opportunity for students to undertake work placements abroad and for teachers and education staff to attend training courses.
Erasmus plus key action 1 (KA1) provides a unique opportunity for teachers, lecturers, headmasters and other staff of education institutions to participate in international training courses in different European countries.
The home institution shall apply to receive the grant to send its staff members abroad for training. You can find more info in the EACEA website (https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus), in your Erasmus+ National Agency website (you can find your National Agency here: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/node/2105) and in the Erasmus+ Programme guide (http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/resources/programme-guide).
Who can get the Erasmus plus KA1 funding
Schools, universities, VET and adult education organizations are all eligible to receive full funding to attend our course under an Erasmus plus KA1 mobility grant. Please consider that a wide range of organizations may be considered eligible as adult education organizations including cultural organizations, musical associations, non-profit organizations and any organizations providing any kind of formal or non-formal education to adults.
We recommend that you check with your Erasmus+ National Agency (https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/node/2105) to verify if your home institution is eligible as sending organizations under the Erasmus+ key action 1 (school education, vocational education and training, higher educations and adult education sectors).
Which costs are covered by the Erasmus plus grant
The Erasmus plus KA1 grant covers all the costs to attend our training courses including travel, subsistence and course fee.
The Erasmus plus KA1 funding provides lump sum amounts to cover some of those costs but if you will entrust us to manage the practical arrangements we will make sure that the funding will be enough. With the given budget we will provide accommodation in single room, full board and cultural activities.
Which are the steps to apply for the Erasmus plus funding
- Read carefully the Erasmus+ guide (http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/resources/programme-guide) notably the sections related to key action 1 (you can find it in different language versions).
- If your institution isn’t yet registered in the Participant Portal you will need to do it in order to receive a PIC code that is mandatory to participate in Erasmus+. You can find guidance on how to register (http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/sites/erasmusplus/files/files/resources/2016-manualurf_en.pdf).
- Complete the online application form for KA1 with the detailed proposal motivating carefully your needs and the expected impact. Please mind that filling the application form will require some time. All informations about our course you can find here: https://www.lu-r.si/course-ka1-how-to-make-creative-modern-mosaic-projects/
- Submit the application online before the annual deadline.
More informations
If you need more informations about Erasmus plus we recommend you to contact your Erasmus plus National Agency. You can find here the list of all the National Agencies: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/contact_en.
For any questions about our course or to get support please feel welcome to contact us:
E-mail: lur@guest.arnes.si
Telephone number: 00386 41 762 616
Physical address: Ljudska univerza Radovljica (Adult Education Centre Radovljica, Kranjska cesta 4, 4240 Radovljica, Slovenia)
For pre-registration we need:
- Participant name
- Organization/school name
- Country
- Email address
- Phone number
- Will you apply for Erasmus+ funding?
- How many participants will join the training course?
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KA1 Courses
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